Thursday, August 8, 2013

Instead of an August Wishlist...

So this summer I have been buying clothes online like crazy. I usually don't get this many clothes in such a short span of time, but I had a lot of time to kill and I basically spent my days on ebay or looking at sales in Topshop or Zara. (Seriously, you should have seen the pile of packages waiting for me when I got back to Scotland!)

So, in order to not buy as many clothes, I'm making a few changes, one of them being not making a wishlist for this month. When I make lists, I like to cross off as many things as I can, so if I make a wishlist it will just motivate me to shop even more! What I'll be doing instead is allowing myself to buy two or three items of clothing for the entire month. Now, this doesn't include necessary pieces of clothing, like underwear or socks, but anything that I do not need will go toward this total.

But, its only August 8th and I already know what I want to buy! I already bought the Blonde and Blonde Mason Cutout Boots (in yesterdays post), and hopefully today I will be buying a pair of Topshop Physics Boots (its off of eEbay though so anything can happen). For my third and final item this month, there is this gorgeous dress from Urban Outfitters that I am absolutely in love with - the only problem is that it is part of their Urban Renewal collection, which means that each item is unique and therefore the image on the website is not 100% accurate. But, since today is Thursday and all of the shops in City Centre stay open late tonight, my plan is to study and unpack some more during the day and hopefully find this dress and try it on tonight!

And hopefully soon I will find a job so that I can have money coming in (as well as going out).



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