Monday, August 19, 2013


Now that I'm back in Scotland and my test is finally over and done with (hallelujah!), I have a month to spare before my classes start up again. Like a lot of people my age with no job and no classes, I can get sucked into the internet, spending days at a time inside watching videos or literally going through every single page of someone's blog. This time though, I've found myself in Europe with no commitments for a whole month, so I'm making a promise to myself not to waste this opportunity!

Basically, what I've told myself is this: Every week I have to do something that I feel is worthy of bragging to the world about, whether I make a post about it on here or its a story I share at parties, I have to do something awesome! A few ideas that I have lined up include going to a free festival with a friend, going to Amsterdam for a few days, and staying out at this one club until five in the morning! (You get a free t shirt if you do, and who am I to resist anything free?)

So what I'm doing, is just trying to do more. It really doesn't sound like much, but for someone who spends a lot of her life on the computer, I really could do with a little more adventure. And I encourage you all to join me!



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