Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What's On My Desk

I do my best to keep my desk at Uni relatively clean - it does get covered in texbooks and papers a lot, but I make sure that my desk is a space to work, not to toss clothes like the rest of my room. I have at least one notebook, one binder, and one folder for each of my classes, which I like to color-coordinate (it just makes it a little more fun). I have a few computer games, about four total, which I'm really excited about because until about a week ago I had one, so now I have The Sims 3, Assassin's Creed 1 & 2, Scribblenauts Unlimited, and Civilization 5. I absolutely recommend them, they're so much fun. I'm boring though and I don't have any sims expansion packs. Other than school things, and things that are necessary like pencils, and staplers, I have a cute photo frame of pictures of my best friend and I, and she has a matching one with her at Uni. And of course, a jumble of cords and wires.

So yeah. That's generally what I keep on my desk. What so you guys keep on your desks?



1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog, i don't see a google friend connect button though to follow!

