Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday Blues

Mondays are tough, when there's school or work. They mark the end of the weekend, and oftentimes they leave people groggy and listless, just trying to make it to the end of the day. Right now, I'm home for the summer from uni, so Mondays should not be terribly stressful - and yet somehow, with all the pressure of the coming week, and trying to start the week off right, they can still be a little icky. So each Monday, I'll be posting a little picture quote, with a nice saying to leave you feeling more positive about your Monday.

The quote I chose for this week is something that I love to remind myself. I know most people usually take this kind of advice in a figurative manner, but personally I also love this one for its literal meaning. Enjoy!

So today, on this Monday, I urge you to take a moment out of your day, blast whatever song it is that makes you just want to get up and dance like an idiot, and do just that. You'll be much better for it, I promise.

 Happy Monday!



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